Eckart’s Story
My name is Eckart and I am passionate about farming.
I started my free range egg business in 2018; when I was only 12 years old. Friends of mine had chickens and while they were on holiday, I offered to take care of them. One of the hens laid an egg and the excitement I felt, inspired me to start my own business. My Dad helped me to buy 12 silver high line chickens and since then, my busines grew daily. I now already have 600 chickens.
As we farm with Lucerne, I am able to feed my chickens with this very high quality crop as well as green vegetables. We do not use any hormones in our feed; everything is natural and nutritious. Our chickens are healthy, relaxed and happy.
We personally deliver the eggs to guesthouses and private homes in the Boland area.
I believe in sustainable farming and I care deeply for my chickens. We work together as a family on the farm and my brother and sister help me with my business. My Mum runs the guesthouse and my sister is a chaperone on the camino route, which we are part of. My brother helps my Dad on the farm, whenever he is not studying.
Our family like to support local businesses and resources; a sense of community is very import for us. We conserve water and we are diligent when it comes to recycling. We believe we can make a diffence in the saving our environment and our planet.
Eckart’s Free range chickens are among the healthiest and happiest of chickens and it’s for this reason that they produce the most nutricious eggs. Apart from the wonderful taste, the health benefits from eating eggs from free range chickens are numerous :
⅓ less cholesterol
¼ less saturated fat
⅔ more vitamin A
2 times more omega-3
3 times more vitamin E
7 times more beta-carotene.
6 times more Vit D
Vitamin D helps your body maintain strong bones and teeth, support its immune function, regulate insulin levels, and more. Eggs are among the few foods that are naturally rich in Vitamin D, so feel free to put down the daily supplements and snack on hard-boiled eggs in the morning instead.
Eckart’s chickens are fed the nutritious Alfalfa (Lucerne) that we grow on our farm and for this reason the yolks of the eggs are a lovely bright orange.
My Chickens free to roam outsidemy birds are quite content and visitors can even notice egg production from the happy hens. They pasture in natural light, and with the freedom to display their natural instincts such as scratching for food and dust bathing.
Guests who visit our Guest farm, Blou Porselein, are welcome to collect their own eggs for breakfast in the morning.
Jokes from the happy chicken yard .
How was the chicken able to get home from work so fast? It used the eggs-press lane.
Why did the scrambled egg lose the baseball game? The boiled eggs were hard to beat.
What did the egg say to the clown? You crack me up.
Where’s the best place to find out about eggs? In a hencyclopedia.
What’s an egg’s least favourite day? Fryday.
What do you call a travelling egg? An Eggsplorer.
How do chickens leave the motorway? They take the eggs-it.
What do eggs do for fun at parties? Sing kari-yolkie.
Great Eggspectations. A classic novel by Charles Chickens.