April Calm
Blou Porselein April
April calm
April is one of our favourite months of the year. With two consecutive long weekends, the farm is abundant in laughter, rich conversations, and the smell of braai going all around.
Calmness descends on the farm over easter weekend. Everyone moves around in a slower pace. Usually, it rains during this period but this year we had a surprisingly sunny easter, which was dearly appreciated by our campers. Yet – true campers argue that any weather is suitable for camping.
The weather is a big orchestrator for sequence of events on the farm. Many processes are weather-dependent especially the lucerne. It generally has a monthly timeline but it can be longer or shorter, depending on the weather. This feed is under pivot irrigation which is about 2km from the main farmhouse. Guests enjoy walking there as the road stretches alongside the river and between the farmlands. We often take guests with the bakkie when the pivot’s settings need to be adjusted.
When the lucerne blooms in subtle purple, then we know that it needs to be cut soon. The lucerne stays on the land after it was cut so that it can dry a bit. The moisture content of the lucerne is a determining factor when it gets baled. If is too moist, the bale will rot but if is too dry, then the bale will have a low nutrient value as all the leaves will fall off. Lucerne is the most popular feed for horses but any animal that feeds on hay will eat it. Our rabbits also enjoy lucerne as a sweet treat. When we give our chickens some to snack on, the egg yellow becomes significantly brighter.
There is nothing like a good breakfast on the farm. Guests can buy free range eggs and have the privilege of choosing their own eggs from the lay dens. The local bakery, Panera, is in Riebeek-Kasteel which is a 20-minute drive where guests can get fresh farm bread. The town is always vibrant especially on a Saturday, when people stroll between the art galleries, enjoying a gin and tonic on the hotel’s stoep, tasting wine and olives, or having a delicious lunch at the valley’s Deli.
Riebeek-Kasteel is a hidden gem, and guests often enjoy afternoons in the town. Nevertheless, it is so fulfilling to stay on the farm for the entire weekend and enjoying the stillness, the laughter, and definitely - the braai.